Your Task:
You need to watch the extract (above) carefully and make notes on the sound, just as we started in class in pairs.
You need to write up your notes to submit as homework in the first instance - later you will blog this work so keep it safe and save a copy!
You must write about each slide and cover, for each slide, these two elements:
1. The technical codes - so is it diegetic? non-diegetic? a soundbridge? Remember it can be more than one.
2. The effect of the sound on meaning and/or the audience.
You can complete this either as continuous prose (i.e. writing an 'essay')
As a table with three columns - 1. Shot number 2. Technical Sound description 3. Effects on meaning/sound.
Please try to type this in WORD.
The screenshots with numbers (if you can't find it) can be accessed HERE
There are words to help in your teaching pack - you can see a copy on line HERE
Deadline is next lesson so:
12B Mon 24/9/12 P1
12C Mon 24/9/12 P5