Tuesday, 16 October 2012

The Rock extract

We have been working on tracking and panning - now you are going to learn how to write analyses of moving image texts, using The Rock as a starting point and focusing for the most part on camera movement. The materials are available in school rather than online (copyright restrictions) and the worksheets are there too.

Go to: Teaching Resources/Students/Media Studies/AS/Foundation Theory/Camera Movement - the camera movement and effects cards are in that folder and the Moving Image extracts are in the subfolder  'The rock extract work'.

You will work in pairs - open the WORD document (in said folder) 'The Rock Cam Move sequence analysis worksheet.docx;'. In the blue bar at the top of the table on the first page, type in your names and the date. Follow the details below and given to you in class but you will type your response into the blank space on the right of the image (which is the beginning image of each mini sequence).

Where to save....

SAVE this in the MEDIA drive (CGSSTORE1) in Media/aaaYr12 AS/The rock assessments - remembering to RENAME the file including your own first names and also unclick hide extension so the document saves with .docx on the end (otherwise the PC server will mangle it overnight!).

Use the camera movement cards (blue) to help you organise what is happening in each sequence - you can copy and paste from the word docs in the TR file.
Use the camera movement EFFECTS cards (yellow) to help you get started working on the effect/meaning of the camera movement. Of course you can add more than these ideas - they are starters to help you.

It (almost) goes without saying that we EXPECT you to write about the sequence in your own words (albeit together) and to add and expand on what you have been given on the cards. You must both take part in writing the sections and you will therefore collaborate on what the wording should be for each section, even if one of you is a better typist :)

The whole sequence...

Harry Potter class work needs handing in!

Hi all year 12s - this is mostly for 12C - you need to make sure you have given Mrs T the sheet where you ranked your top 5 harry potter garageband exports with your reasons and one paragraph on what makes an effective soundtrack for an opening sequence...we did it in class so it's just a matter of giving it to Miss - ASAP - Thanks

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Harry Potter Exercise

Please upload your Harry Potter final exercise onto your blogs.

This is the original Track for your reference.
The FIRST part of the homework is....
 You need to write a brief analysis and evaluation of your Harry Potter Garageband export. You should use the sheet to guide you - write briefly about the following sections, covering:
1. What effect you tried to create
2. What effect you have created
3. How effective you think it is (is it any good basically)

The sections are:
1. The credits and titles sequence
2. The playground sequence
3. The Dementors sequence
4. The overall effect

This should then be about 4 decent paragraphs long - blogged. Remember you have to upload the sequence directly into your blog (due to copyright we can't put them on Youtube) so you need to do that in school or copy your sequence onto a memory stick.

The SECOND part of the homework is the evaluation sheet which is one side and asks you to evaluate the software, the processes and your learning...

These are due, one blogged, one in Miss's sticky paw, on THURSDAY 18th October in your lesson.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Colour & Light and Sound Work - checkpoint

This last week you've been bringing a lot of what you've been learning together and applying it. You should have written an analysis of the opening of 'The Phantom of the Opera' for Mr P and it should be ready to be posted on your blog as well as handed in to him. If you need to see the extract, follow the tab above for 'Film Analysis' and use the right hand labels ('Find your film') to locate Phantom.

In addition, you should have completed your Harry Potter sound opening in Garageband. You should have conducted a class review and then you will be completing your own individual analysis/evaluation of your own opening. This individual analysis will go up on your blog, along with your HP garageband version as your work representing sound.

The coming week you will be working on Camerawork (followed by editing) and this will again build to an analysis of an extract to assess your learning. You will also be undertaking a practical activity based on camera work.

For now then, you need to ensure you have completed the following:
1. Harry Potter in Garageband - a review in class
2. Harry Potter - your own evaluation
3. A decent analysis of the opening of 'The Phantom of the Opera'

As always, any problems please see a member of the Media Staff.