Tuesday 18 December 2012

Photos of your Spooks Sequence 2 work and Ocean's 12 Storyboards for the tasks below

Your storyboard's for the Ocean's 12 Activity and the Spooks Sequence 2 (parallel editing) Activity have been uploaded and saved for you. You MUST get a copy/upload to your blog or save on your memory stick BEFORE the holiday so you can do this work (detailed below) as you won't be able to access them over the Christmas Break.

Your photos are in Teaching Resources>Students>Media Studies>AS>Practical Foundation>JMT and then in a folder named with Spooks Seq 2 and Oceans 12 on

Sequences to Edit for the Tasks below

Here are the videos you can use to analyse editing for Task 3. You can use any one or all as you wish. Just make notes and then use your notes as examples for your Continuity Editing 'paragraph' in Task 5.

Eastenders - Kat - Who is her lover?

Haven - (TV Show) - A conversation over dinner

The Pelican Brief - Film - Will they be killed?

Monday 10 December 2012

BLOG & ICT LEARNING - checklist

Over the next two weeks, please make sure you know how to do the following. If you DO NOT know, then don't worry but MAKE SURE you find out by ASKING Mrs T or Michael.

1. Upload Video
2. Upload Images
3. Embed Video
4. Make Links to web pages
5. Use and have Labels on your blog
6. Remove inappropriate items and any test posts

1. Use Final Cut Express for basic Editing - if not, ask Michael for a training slot - you can book him in your frees (except Mondays). There are also Linda.com training tutorials on the P Drive for you.
2. Cut/Trim/Clip a video
3. Download a video from youtube (Using Firefox and VideoDownload Helper)
4. Use MPEG Streamclip to convert a file from .mov to .mp4
5. Import footage from a camera into iMovie and then copy the footage into your folder on the media drive
6. Understand basic Photoshop - you most likely won't know this yet - email us on media@cgs.rbksch.org to let us know if/how much Photoshop experience you have so we can run sessions to support you. This will help you with the Titles/Credits element of your coursework

Spooks Seq 3- Shooting Schedule Activity

Here's the sequence for the Shooting Schedule Activity

Sunday 9 December 2012

Important Tasks to do on your blog - Editing

In class over the next two weeks you will be starting your coursework and working in class in groups on your opening sequence. You will have stimulus materials shown to you by your teachers. You written work will be as follows below - there are a few things to get done so start now and don't avoid it as work will just pile up. Expect to have to produce a blog post about every two days - at least 3 per week until the end of the project. Additional to these tasks, you will have research tasks to upload to your blogs so you are going to be very busy :)

You must complete them by the dates shown. ASK if you're unsure, need help or need time to complete.

- There are some activities for you to write up and upload onto your blogs.
- Remember to use the blog medium as it is intended (so it's not a place for long essays but somewhere to record quick thoughts and bullets points/lists and summaries).
- You should use the multimodal nature of the medium and upload video clips and extracts, images and links to improve/embellish what you are posting (If you don't know how, now is the time to ask).
- Keep a record of the content by saving it as a word doc and saving it in the media drive in your area, in a folder, named as your initials and the date. (e.g. JMT 101212).

Task 1 -  Thursday 13th Dec 2012
Task 2 -  Friday 14th Dec 2012
Task 3 -  Monday 17th Dec 2012
Task 4 -  Tuesday 18th Dec 2012

Task One - Complete Spooks Seq 2 (intercutting) work
Watch the sequence (located in a separate post) as many times as you need. Read the worksheet you were given in the lesson. This shows all the sequence in the correct order. Look at your list of Letters/Numbers to see how you organised the shots. Answer the questions on the sheet.

Task Two - IN CLASS (or catch up if you miss the lesson)
The Storyboard - Shooting Schedule activity is based on the last part of the Spooks Sequence - Seq 3. You need to use the intercut ending to produce a logical shooting plan - the aim is to show you how to plan your own shoots from your own storyboard :)

Task Three - Watch the allocated EDITING SEQUENCE(S)
You need to watch these and make notes on at least one extract about how the editing is used to create meaning. Don't write about the mise-en-scene, costume, lighting etc (unless you need to to make your point) - this is all about how the camera work and the way the shots are put together (the editing!). When do they cut and why  - how long do they hold shots? Do we see anyone speaking - if so do we see the reaction (so not looking at the speaker) or do we see the speaker? and of course, why? JUST make notes only - you will use the notes in TASK FIVE below.

Task Four - ASSESSMENT TASK - Edit either 'Lift' or 'Lift and Stairs' 
Depending on which you have been given, save your version of Lift/Stairs in the nominated folder in the MEDIA DRIVE in Yr12. Save it as 'your name lift (or liftstairs) final.mov'. Tell Miss you have completed and saved it so it can be backed up and marked. THE FILES and INSTRUCTIONS ARE ON TEACHING RESOURCES - and in the folder called EDIT SENSE. Miss or Michael will show you where it is. You need to you FINAL CUT to do this so you can't do this task at home.

Task Five - ASSESSMENT TASK Write up on your blog your thoughts on continuity editing.
Reflect on your work - make notes on the differences by comparing your spooks seq 2 work (now uploaded onto Teaching Resources for you) with the way KUDOS (the production company who made the real show for the BBC) constructed the real SPOOKS sequence (the real order of screenshots is on the handout given to you in class (with the questions on it) and the video extract is embedded in the post below). What is different? Why? Would your version work just as well? If not, why not? If yes, what have you done that makes it work? Make some initial notes to answer this question and use the notes in the editing post --> start a new post - call your post 'Continuity Editing'. Write a few paragraphs about continuity editing in general, covering the points listed below, using examples from all/several of the editing tasks (and this spooks sequence work).

Master shots
How would you edit dialogue?
Parallel and intercutting
Shot, reverse shot
180 rule (not crossing the line)
30 rule (jump cut)
Breaking the fourth wall
- It's not an essay as such so feel free to use short forms (such as lists) but you must still give examples from/of texts.

- This is your chance to show the examiner what you have learnt - the more detailed and wide ranging your post on this is, the more marks you will get.

- You should think about how you might use the following editing techniques,

- Base it on all of the extracts we've worked on: Spooks (sequence elements 1,2 and 3) and Ocean's 12, your sequence for task 3, work of your own and any practical work you have done (such as 'feed the fish' or 'Lift/Stairs' (task 5).

Spooks Sequence 2 - Upload - Task 1

The questions are on the worksheet. They are repeated here in case you have lost them. The worksheet can be downloaded from HERE
Answer all the questions - this links to task 1 of your Editing tasks - see the main post for the deadline.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Ocean's 12 Extract to analyse

Here is the sequence you are working on: Start after Daisy arrives in her car and the dialogue on your sheet begins - the first part of the sequence is so you can see what has happened immediately before...

You will get back a copy of your storyboard you created in class in your group to change this sequence from 'Staging' to classic continuity editing.

You should have Master Shots,Cut-aways, Two-shots, Over The Shoulder shots, Shot-ReverseShots and lots of interesting framing - use Close Ups, Big Close Ups, partial shots of things (like faces and objects) - remember to cut for reaction shots and emotional responses. Also think about whether you want to see who is talking or the reaction of the person being talked to...

Afterwards, you will need to each write a sentence or two about each shot and why you chose to cut to that particular shot and style.
Deadlines will be given when you get the work back.