Just because we currently have no macs or equipment (thanks burglars!), doesn't mean work on production should stop - in fact it means that it's more important than ever to get your work up to date whilst you can. Because we will have to move the deadline (see the new schedules posted on the Media Noticeboard and handed out in class), and because we may find that the arrival of the new macs, server and cameras etc is something of a slightly moveable feast, it is more important that ever that you get everything else ready and up to date.
What does that mean?
Well obviously you can't edit your sequences just now. Also you can't blog in class BUT you MUST still come to class! We will be covering other aspects of the course, including some examination work, until we are fully back up and running.
What should I do?
In class you can still use LIVETYPE in Rm58 to do your titles and you can also research and finalise any of your research posts (listed below), even if you make them as WORD documents and post them onto your blog later (or at home).
We may reinstate your footage onto the macs in Rm58 (rather than 57) as we iron out software/hardware kinks which will mean things run a little slower although everything will still be the same in terms of editing software etc.
You MUST ensure everything else is ready as you will be so close to the deadline for the work to go to the exam board you won't have time to mess around - this will be working to real deadlines!
When doing the following, make sure you link what you've found to what you are planning to do in your own sequence.
There are a lot of sequences and titles etc on TEACHING RESOURCES which is available to you around the school and offline - you DO NOT need firefox etc to access them.
You must ensure you have PROPERLY covered the following:
1. Opening Sequences Research - you should have looked at 4-5 Opening Sequences. They must be analysed for how they function as Openings - use the teaching pack to guide you. Refer to specific examples in the Op Seqs you analyse - using TIME CODES e.g. at 1.13 the man walks across the room (for at 1 minute, 13 seconds in). Embed the videos or upload. If you don't know because you can't remember - ASK NOW - don't leave it too late and miss out on marks.
2. Sound - Look at some Op Seqs just for the SOUND used (2-3) - you should write a paragraph or two for each about how sound is used and outline some ideas you might use in your own Seq. Embed the videos and be serious - you should be showing how you have learnt about sound in sequences and how it might be used at the beginning of a film and for what effect. Remember to link to what you plan to do for your sequence.
3. Credits - This is where you research (use Wikipedia for detail, YOUTUBE for sequences) what CONTENT is in the titles - who is credited at the beginning of a film? What is the usual order? Are there rules governing this? what is the usual practice? USE EXAMPLES to illustrate your points.
4. ART of the Title - the difference here is that you're looking at the ARTWORK of the titles as opposed to the content - what font is used, what colour? why? does it jiggle/wiggle etc? You can create pretty exciting titles in LIVETYPE so investigate and research - type it up just like item 3 above and then you can do you own - see item 5
5. LIVETYPE - You should be making some of your credits and certainly your TITLE for your film and the PRODUCTION COMPANY art now. This is available to you in Rm58 so we will work it out for you to be able to use it...
6. You can still see all your footage on the MEDIA drive - you can make an Edit Decision List. What this means is you can watch your footage - even rename it so you know what each bit is - and then decide roughly what parts you will use so when the editing software is up and working you just follow your decision list - one is in the production pack and blanks are on TR. I will upload one I have done in the past but this is the industry standard way of working - often the director or person who is in charge of the editing writes what they want edited and then a 'bod' actually edits it from the list - think of it as making a storyboard up using your own footage.
The bottom line is this - you have LOADS to do - so get it done now! Once the computers are up and running again we will need to edit like manic editing eddies so everything else needs to be ready!!
Anyway questions, just ask!
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Monday, 4 February 2013
Week 20 - 4th February - What you should be doing - SHOWCASE this week!
This week you will be showing your rough edit to the class on THURSDAY 7th Feb in your lesson. Even if it isn't quite finished, you need to ensure you have a working 2 mins.
You will all go around the classroom and see each other's sequences, giving feedback. You will then be given the feedback from the showcase so you will both GIVE and RECEIVE advice and comments which you must 1. record on your blog and 2. act on.
Please focus this week on getting the sequence visuals done. TWO PEOPLE in your group should start working on the credits and titles. You cannot put in the sound until this is all finished and if you remember from the Harry Potter exercise, this takes time!
EXPECT TO WORK AT LUNCHTIME AND AFTER SCHOOL over the next two weeks to get it done.
Ask Michael if you want help with titles - LIVETYPE and start investigating sound - Miss has put some more loops and copyright free music extracts on TR>Students>Media>Resource Library>Sound and Loops. There are also plenty of copyright free loop sites and some are linked to the 'Technical Help' blog - click the link above to visit it.
You will all go around the classroom and see each other's sequences, giving feedback. You will then be given the feedback from the showcase so you will both GIVE and RECEIVE advice and comments which you must 1. record on your blog and 2. act on.
Please focus this week on getting the sequence visuals done. TWO PEOPLE in your group should start working on the credits and titles. You cannot put in the sound until this is all finished and if you remember from the Harry Potter exercise, this takes time!
EXPECT TO WORK AT LUNCHTIME AND AFTER SCHOOL over the next two weeks to get it done.
Ask Michael if you want help with titles - LIVETYPE and start investigating sound - Miss has put some more loops and copyright free music extracts on TR>Students>Media>Resource Library>Sound and Loops. There are also plenty of copyright free loop sites and some are linked to the 'Technical Help' blog - click the link above to visit it.
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