Monday 7 January 2013

Week 16 - First Week back - 7/1/13 - What you should be doing...

So you have a schedule to follow but here's a summary for this week:

 - Plan your opening - avoid cliches - match genre and research of similar genre openings - look at other student work on youtube with similar genre
- Check idea with staff
- Write a location list, a costume list, a props list, a script
- Devise a risk assessment - what is dangerous/what could go wrong - how are you planning to avoid the problems - such as not tripping over wires, burning yourselves on lights, getting mugged in a dark alley etc etc
- BOOK a camera and tripod - get a memory card which will be yours for the duration of the project

 - Make sure you've looked at lots of Opening Sequences and that you have linked/embedded some examples and made bullet point notes on them - how they fit the conventions of openings (rules/expectations/common practice)- how will you use what you learn from these? This is INDIVIDUAL and a major part of what MARKS ARE ALLOCATED FOR!
- You could use wikipedia to help you to work out what credits should be shown and in what order... Also you should be looking at how the art of the titles and credits work...Can you use Photoshop? If not, you need to learn- book a session now
- You could be researching music on opening sequences for use later - remember you HAVE to make your own (or use music from a copyright free source)
- Use the teaching guide to help you - look at other student blogs to help you- there's a link to last year on the top of this page left (check students like Ellen Fraser, Ella Baker - and year 13 blogs are even better for this year - click the link above)
- Your other work should be uploaded - on Spooks and Ocean's 12 - AND -
- You should have edited either Stairs or Lift (on TR) and
- Booked a teaching session with Michael for more advanced use of Final Cut/How to start your project (incl settings you'll need) etc


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